
Sabtu, 05 November 2011

World Scout Organization

Scout Movement is a youth development movement that has global influence. Scouting movement consisting of various youth organizations, both for men and women, which aims to train physically, mentally and spiritually the participants and encourage them to do positive activities in the community. This objective is achieved through training programs and non-formal education that promotes scouting in the field of practical activity. Currently, there are more than 38 million members of Scouting than 217 countries and territories.

Birth of Scout Movement
This movement began in 1907 when Robert Baden-Powell, a British army lieutenant general of the highway, and William Alexander Smith, founder of the Boy's Brigade, held the first scout camp (known as the jamboree) on Brownsea Island, England.
Idemm to make the movement appear when Baden-Powell and his men struggled to defend the city of Mafeking, South Africa, from the Boer army attacks. At that time, his troops defeated than Boer army. To outsmart, a group of young men was formed and trained to become a volunteer army. Their main task is to help the military defend the city. They get lighter tasks but important, for example to deliver a given message Baden-Powell to all members of the military in the city. Can they finish the job so well that Baden-Powell's forces can defend Mafeking town for several months. In recognition of the success they get, every member of the volunteer army was given a badge. Picture of the badge is then used as the logo of the international Scouting movement.
The success of Baden-Powell of Mafeking defend him is considered to be a hero. He later wrote a book called Aids to Scouting (written in 1899), and became a bestseller at the time.
In 1906, Ernest Thompson Seton sent Baden-Powell was a book of his work called The Birchbark Roll of the Woodcraft Indians.Seton, a British-Canadian descent living in the United States, often meeting with Baden-Powell and develop a plan of a youth movement.
His meeting with Seton was encouraged to write his book, Aids to Scouting, with a new version, entitled Boy's Patrols. The book is intended as a guide for youth scouting at the time. Then, to test his ideas, he held a camp for 21 young people from different walks of life for a whole week, starting on August 1, at Brownsea island, England. Methods of organization (now known as system patrol or patrol system in English) became the key to scouting training does. This system requires the youth to form several small groups, then pointing to one of them to become chairman of the group.
After her book was published and camp behind the success, Baden-Powell went on a tour planned by Arthur Pearson to promote his ideas to the whole of England. Of his thinking, was made a book called Scouting fo Boys, which today is known as a manual scouting (Boy Scout Handbook) first edition.
At that Baden-Powell hoped his book can provide new ideas for some oraganisasi youth who have been there. But that happens, some boys spontaneously formed a new organization and asked Baden-Powell became their mentor. He agreed and began to encourage them to learn and practice and develop their organization was founded.
Along with the increased number of members, Baden-Powell increasingly difficult to guide them; He needs an assistant to help him. Therefore, he planned to establish a Center for Leadership Training for Adults (Adult Leadership Training Center). In 1919, a park near London was purchased as a training location. He also wrote a new book entitled Aids to Scoutmastership and several other books which he collected and brought together in a book entitled Rovering to Success for Rover Scouts in 1922.

Although the Scout Movement was founded Baden-Powell, but he was much inspired Frederick Russell Burnham, American org who helped the British in South Africa. Burnham was a lot to learn techniques to live in the wild dr father who was a priest at the shelter (reservations) Indians. Burnham who successfully faced several rebellions Indian war, and then went to South Africa & dg Baden-Powell met in the Boer War. From Burnham was Baden-Powell set a variety of basic ketrampilan2 needful of a Boy Scout (Scout). Inspired Indian org. Furthermore, in the Scout Movement, Burnham was appointed as "chief" of the first movement of Baden-Powell founded. Scout is the game

Development of the Scout Movement
Shortly after the book Scouting For Boys was published, the Scouts began to be known throughout the UK and Ireland. Its own movement, slowly but surely, begin to try and be applied throughout the British empire and its colonies.
Scouting units outside the realm of England the first recognized, was formed in Gilbraltar in 1908, followed by the formation of other units in Malta. Canada was the first British colony of the British royal permission to establish the scouting movement, followed by Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Chile was the first country outside of England and its colonies that make up the scouting movement. Scout's first parade was held at Crystal Palace, London in 1910. The parade attracted the interest of teenagers in the UK. No fewer than 10,000 young men and women interested in joining in scouting activities. In 1910 Argentina, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Singapore, Sweden, and the United States has recorded a scouting organization.
Since its founding, the Scout Movement program that focuses on adolescents aged 11-18 years had received an encouraging response, the members add up quickly. Any program requirement by itself increases. To meet the wishes and interests of the young generation at that time, the scout movement adds to the four programs within their organizations to widen the scope of membership scout movement. Fourth prpogram include: early childhood education Youths, Seniors Youth, daughter scouting education, and educational leadership for the builder.
Program for the standby group, a unit of Work Unit, and Enforcement / pandega begin compiled in late 1910 in several countries. Sometimes, the activities of these activities only began in the local / branch that is managed on a small scale, and only then recognized and adopted by national Kwartir. A similar case occurred in the establishment of the standby groups in the United States, the program group has been started since 1911 siaganya at branch level but has not gain recognition until 1930.
Since the initial establishment of the scouting movement, these young women have already signaled their interest to join magnitude. To accommodate these interests, Agnes Baden-Powell's sister from the father of global scouting, Robert Baden Powell, - in 1910 was appointed president of scouting organiasi world's first daughter. Agnes was originally named the organization the Rosebud, which later changed to Brownies (Girl Guide) in 1914. Agnes withdrew from the presidency in 1917 and was replaced by the Olive Baden Powell, wife of Lord Baden-Powell. Agnes still served as vice president until he died at the age of 86 years. At the time, scouting daughter has been positioned as a separate unit of scouting men, it is done considering the prevailing social norms that time. In the era of the 90s, Many scouting organizations in the world of mutual cooperation between units of the sons and daughters to provide educational scouting.
Early education programs for supervisors held in London in 1910, and in Yorkshire in 1911. However, Baden Powell wanted the education can be practiced as much as possible. This means that in every field of education is required practices such as camping. This course guides the formation of Woodbadge. As a result of World War I, woodbadge education for coaches delayed until 1919. In that year, held the first course at Gilwell Park woodbadge. At this time, the education of coaches have been diverse and has a broad scope. Some education is quite famous for the builder, such as basic education, specific education classes, until the course Woodbadge.

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