
Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

National Awakening Day

Indonesia every year on May 20 to commemorate National Awakening Day. Milestone anniversary is a day of the founding of Boedi Oetomo youth organization named on May 20, 1908, which is the first movement of the youth organization founded by the nation of Indonesia.
Before the founding of the organization, the Indonesian nation-occupied Netherlands experienced prolonged suffering and duping. People's intelligence level is very low.

The situation is so bad it made the young scholar like Dr. Wahidin Soedirohoesodo movement. Wahidin is a smart and intelligent students. After completing his education in Jakarta STOVIA he returned to his native city of Yogyakarta devoted himself as a doctor. He along with many ordinary people, so grows the spirit of nationalism to free people from ignorance and colonization.

As the educated he learned how to do it anyway. Initially he was raising funds called "student fund". Then throw the ideas of movement through the Java language magazine Dumilah Ratna.
While visiting Jakarta and meet with students STOVIA, he floated the idea that students immediately set up an organization that aims to advance the degree of the nation. Then with Dr. Sutomo and students STOVIA like Goenawan Soeraji Mangoenkoesoemo and they established Boedi Oetomo on Sunday, May 20, 1908. These organizations are social, economic, and cultural but not political.

In his speech on that day, Soetomo promoting the idea of ​​this organization. That the future of the nation and the country is in their hands. Budi Utomo first ten years has experienced several changes in leadership of the organization. Most leaders are among the "priyayi" or the nobles of the palace, such as Raden Tirtokoesoemo Duke, a former Regent of Karanganyar (the first president Budi Utomo), and Prince Ario Noto Pakualaman Dirodjo of the palace.

Leadership during this Dirojo Prince Noto, Douwes Dekker, a Dutch-Indo very properjuangan nation Indonesia, frankly realize the word "politics" into real action. Thanks pengaruhnyalah understanding of the "homeland of Indonesia" increasingly unacceptable and goes into understanding the Javanese. After that came the Indische Partij long prepared by Douwes Dekker through the action of release. This society is political and is open to all people without exception Indonesia.
Since then it slowly political organizations to fight for the independence of Indonesia are emerging. Because it was the base of the resurrection and the degree of awareness of the dignity of the Indonesian people that would encourage the struggle for Indonesian independence, the founding of Boedi Oetomo day is now celebrated as the Day of National Awakening. Welcome to commemorate National Awakening Day 2011!

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